Hi fellas, welcome back to my blog. Since the end of January 2019 I never upload my activities in this blog, it is about 2 years of my journey. There is many thing changes and as we know the pandemic cannot let us to enjoy the fun in the city, concert and many big performances in the town. we are quite depressed, stressed, disappointed with lots of things in this pandemic situation. I know we all have many assignment due to online classes and busy with more school staff. This year is going to end and we should always praise to our almighty God to protect us from many virus, diseases and temptation that living in surrounding us. We pray to our Lord only one JESUS CHRIST to save us to welcoming new years with full of joy, happiness and prosperity in our family, friends and society. Especially, we celebrate our loved JESUS CHRIST born day in upcoming days, so lets prepare our selves to receive HIM in our hearth. Once again happy merry Christmas to all of my family, friends in this world. I love you all
Christmas And New Year’s Holiday
First of all, I would like to thank God for everything that I got in my first semester. I really happy because I could get a good result in this semester. I also would like to thanks my family specially my mother who always pray for me in every situation that I face. All of my friends that I love the most, I really appreciate with them. Without them, I’m nothing.
secondly, I spent my holiday in Jakarta with one of friend Miquieas from Timor-Leste as well. I really enjoyed my holiday because I could visit Monas (National Monument) Jakarta and also boundary Monument Jakarta. At Christmas night, we celebrated mass at Cathedral Jakarta at 20:00. I felt like dream because I used to watch TV in my country and see all of these places. Unfortunately, there is an accident “Tsunami” in Java. so we had to come back to Bandung after two days in Jakarta.
Thirdly, I have two friends who study in STP Jakarta, visited me in Telkom University. They are Delio and Bitu from Lospalos and Aileu, Timor-Leste. we spent our last year in Dusun Bambu Lembang by visiting tourist place in there. we just celebrated the mass in Dayekholot, Buah Batu.
Last but not least, I am going to prepare my self to start my next semester. so I am ready to meet all difficulties and challenge in this semester.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Welcome 2019 and Goodbye 2018.
Rencana untuk perubahan.
1. Ada beberapa hal yang ingin diubah dalam hidup saya.
a. Rajin membaca dan belajar.
b. Menambahkan sikap positif dan rendah hati terhadap teman dan keluarga.
c. Semangat untuk mengerjakan tugas yang diberikan.
d. Mengurangi waktu memegan HP untuk hal yang tidak penting.
e. Menhindari rokok dan membuat hal negatif terhadap tubuh.
f. Olaragah ruting.
2. Setiap perubahan maka ada manfaat untuk saya dan orang-orang yang disekitar saya. Manfaat tersebut adalah:
· Rajin membaca dan belajar akan ada manfaat bagi saya untuk tingkatkan ilmu dan pengetahuan saya untuk menjadi orang yang baik bagi teman teman dan keluarganya.
Di sisi lain, saya akan membantu orang membutuhkan pertolongan saya.
· Sikap positif dan rendah hati ada manfaat terhadap saya dan keluarga atau teman saya. Karena sikap tersebut membuat kita menjadi lebih percaya diri untuk melalukan hal positif yang baik lagi untuk orang lain.
· Mengerjekan tugas yang diberikan dari dosen, itu sangat penting untuk saya sendiri. Maka, harus rajinlah untuk mengabiskan latihan yang saya harus lakuin.
· Mengurangi waktu untuk memegan HP itu adalah hal yang sangat sulit pada manusia jaman kini. Tapi untuk mengatur waktu yang ada advantagenya maka saya siap untuk menghadapi hal tersebut. Manfaatnya untuk menambah waktu belajar daripada memegan HP untuk hal yang banyak dampak negatifnya.
· Seringkali pria yang selalu hadapi hal ini karena sudah kebiasaan. Tapi saya akan menhidari habit itu untuk kesehatan saya yang masih develop. Maka itu saya mau olaragah setiap pagi atau sore untuk menghindari hal untuk yang tidak ada manfaatnya.
3. Rencana tersebut akan mulai dari sekarang karena menunda-nunda membawa saya ke sikap negatif. “Kebiasaan menunda akan membuat kita lelah lebih dari usaha untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan tersebut”. Maka saya akan bekerja keras mungkin untuk mulai mengubah sikap saya lebih baik lagi.
Regarding to Pak Rector’s speech, we can summarize that we should study hard just not because of forcing by family or pretend to study hard but we never get the good result. Remember that what we study, it will make our parents proud of us, because our family will not ask us to pay back their money but they just want our happiness in the future. Therefore, we must get used to the assignment obligation, because it teach us to get find when we meet the big problem. Last but not least, we have to dream above what we want to achieve.
Actually, I have dream about to become a ministry of education in my beloved country Timor-Leste. My purpose is changing my country especially people who live in the rural area that want to access to education. Also I want to implement the best curriculum in there. Education is the key to succeed in the future.
Jurnal Harian
I just want to share a little bit about my experience in Telkom University. when I started my study or class in here, I am feel like alone because I have not yet know exactly about my friends and lecturers 🙂 . step by step I try to adjust the environment and follow everything that university want.
Actually, programming is one of the most difficult subject among other because this subject is new for me and I even do not know how to start and where to go. so I am blind to this subject. During three weeks I learn programming and algorithm, I am like fall in love with this things because it teaches me a precious things like how to thing critically and solving every problem that it has.
In the next day, I want to study more about this subject because I really want to apply all of these skills in my beloved country Timor-Leste. Thank you and have a nice day and God blessed. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Jurnal Harian
I am apologize for uploading my daily activity too late because I have many homework to work on. I hope that you will consider it. Thank you
once again, I want to apologize for late submission because there are many assignment. I hope you can understand for it. [Read more…] about Jurnal Harian
“Plan to meet requirements”
Steps and Target of Achievement:
a) Mastering the Analysis System Course (in a certain semester),
b) Learn basic programming algorithms, software and hardware from books or videos
tutorial (2 months, reached at the beginning of semester 1 2),
c) Make a simple application by coding through pascal (end of semester 1 and 2),
d) Mastering Coding Programming Courses (semesters 5 and 6),
e) Preparation for attending seminars or courses relevant to system analysis (3 months, achieved at
holidays between semester 4 and 5)
f) Survey with collaboration with NGo and government in my country ( Holiday in 6th semester)
“First job”
System Analyst
Job Description: study the problems and needs of the organization or company so available data, information, information technology and human resources help improve business achievement.
Hard-Skills Requirements:
1. Having extensive knowledge about hardware, software, and
2. Having knowledge of various programming languages
3. Having knowledge of database concepts.
4. Having knowledge of Unified Modeling Language (UML)
5. Having knowledge of SAP business software applications
6. Having knowledge of web-based technology
Soft-Skills Requirements:
1. Having the ability to learn quickly.
2. Can contribute to the progress of the team.
3. Having problem solving skills.
4. Having good interpersonal and ability to handle clients
5. Having the ability to explain technical matters in detail.
6. Having awareness of the development of the business world.
7. Have good presentation skills.
8. Have the ability to speak and write very well.
“Lecture Motivation”
Actually, I began to fall in love with Informatics or the electronic sector when studying in high school. I always sit at the computer to do some exercises such as helping my mother type in her homework and also I try to understand every computer software like “Ms. Word, excel, power point, design, editing, games” in my free time. After that, I had one subject in middle school; Information Technology that I learned but still in basic form.
Meanwhile, my teacher asked me to take a practical class because I got very good grades. In the practice class, I learned about finding out problems outside, in terms of hardware. On the other hand, I am interested in knowing deeply about the world of Informatics by reading stories of successful technology entrepreneurs such as Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates (founder of Microsoft) and so on. With regard to our country in need and my interest in learning about Information Engineering, I want to improve my ability in higher education and I truly believe that I will complete my studies and will apply all the skills and applications in my beloved country Timor-Leste and in the world.
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